Society is an open-ended partnership between generations. The dead and the unborn are as much members of society as the living. To dishonor the dead is to reject the relation on which society is built - a relation of obligation between generations. Those who have lost respect for the dead have ceased to be trustees of their inheritance. Inevitably, therefore, they lose the sense of obligation to future generations. The web of obligations shrinks to the present tense. ~ Edmund Burke

28 December 2006

Not at liberty to smoke

Cigarettes and civil liberties: A new battle for freedom at Sullivan's Island, South Carolina and this time it is not the British Navy that is attacking!

read more digg story

Like Mr. Sewell, the author of the article cited above, I too am somewhat taken back with the irony of the situation that has developed at Sullivan's Island and spread throughout the once great state of South Carolina.

Imagine, the great Colonel William Moultrie, repulsing an invading force against all odds for the freedom of his homeland only to have that homeland reject the very idea for which he fought!

No one is going to defend the virtues of smoking, least of all me. HOWEVER, one I will defend the virtues of the right to chose to smoke or not to smoke on private property.

Like all encroachments on our liberties, it is an act of aggression. The aggressors, in this case, are City Council Members and their liberty hating allies in the citizenry -- the Pleasure Police (to use the term coined by Cigar Dave).

Against what are they aggressing? Bad health? Maybe a few misguided dupes believe that, but those peddling this snake-oil legislation know better…

This is an attack on private business owners and their patrons.

More to the point:


This is a war against the rights to sell and consume a legal product on one’s own property. Cigarettes – or whatever bogey man they taunt us with— is a smoke and mirror tactic to hide the crux of the matter.

[They are unwilling to ban cigarettes because of the tax revenue they generate. With an addicted pool of consumers, they know they can raise the tax to any level they wish and it will be paid, but this is a different issue…]

If public, state owned building wish to ban smoking, fine.

If it is a private business, let the people vote with their shoes. If they do not want to be in a smoke filled bar, go elsewhere. Let the market bare out what the citizens want.

New York City — and I can believe this is actually true – is now waging a war on trans fats-- you know the stuff that makes fried food taste so damn good? South Carolina will eventually follow if this kind of encroachment is tolerated. It's just a matter of time before those do-gooders up in Washington, DC get in on the action.

Where does this end?

Our ancestors were poised to fight over a trifling tax on tea! What do you think they would do in a case like this?

Congratulations, Mr. Sewell, on your Article. At least there is someone out there who sees how far we have fallen.

For life, liberty, and the right to smoke and eat greasy french fries if I so choose, I am yours

In the cause,

~ P. C.