Society is an open-ended partnership between generations. The dead and the unborn are as much members of society as the living. To dishonor the dead is to reject the relation on which society is built - a relation of obligation between generations. Those who have lost respect for the dead have ceased to be trustees of their inheritance. Inevitably, therefore, they lose the sense of obligation to future generations. The web of obligations shrinks to the present tense. ~ Edmund Burke

06 November 2006

Coming together to ponder pulling apart

Latter-day secessionists of all stripes convene in Vermont... The First North American Secessionist Convention, billed as the first national gathering of secessionists since the [so-called] Civil War, included an eclectic mix of conservatives, liberals, libertarians, left-wing Green Party zealots, and right-wing Christian activists.

read more digg story

While I believe that there is a better chance for actual secession than these various groups from agreeing on much of anything (except for their contempt for the American Empire), at least they are talking. The idea of secession, long suppressed, is the foundation upon which these United States are founded. Without secession, there is no USA. Without the OPTION of secession, we are never free. We should feel no different about throwing off the tyranny of a domestic government should it continue on its present path than we do about our founding fathers throwing off the yoke of Great Britain when disunion was the only option left.

The farce which will be thrust upon the people tomorrow on Election Day gives the illusion that the people have a choice. Republican or Democrat is not much of a choice if you ask me. They TALK a different game, but it is what they DO which lays the fraud bare.

I'll go and vote, but I do not expect change. It will take more than a Republicrat majority in the Senate or House to accomplish that.

My only gripe about the article is the obligatory charge of racism against the Southern folks. It’s tough for the righteous north to resist…

God! Those folks just don't get it!

Until next time, I remain yours

In the cause,

~ P. C.

"One of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in the great struggle for independence. " ~Charles A. Beard


Scott Mckenzie said...

The picture you use is of a former and discredited member of the NAACP. He is from my hometown of Asheville. You picked the only African-American on the planet who would ever think of doing something so, hmmm...., against everything that African-Americans fought for, such as Julian Bond during the Civil Rights movement. Lincoln, while not an ardent abolitionist, was forced into the Emancipation Proclamation Act because it was not only RIGHT thing to do but also because the slaves where overwhleming Union Soldiers by fleeing to the lines.
Anyway, I revised my blog have a read!!

p.c. graham said...

If being against the NAACP's racist agenda is being "discredited," then I applaud Mr. Edgerton of Ashville and anyone else in ant "African-American" community for having the courage and good sense to do so.

I have met Mr. HK Edgerton a couple of times and he seems to be sincere in his beliefs. He's not the only one out there, but he is one of the most active and visible. The Texas 37th Cavalry is probably the best example of a group which is truly multi-ethnic and goes to great lengths to accurately portray the non-white Confederate soldiers and bring his story back to its rightful place in history:

As for Lincoln, he never freed a slave. I would urge you to read or re-read the Emancipation Proclamation for confirmation on that. I am actually quite tired of hashing and rehashing what Lincoln did or didn’t do and why it is important today.

No one is arguing for the virtues of slavery, clearly the institution is against the principles of liberty and self-government. This is as clear today as it was during the War to Prevent Southern Independence. Personally, I tend to believe it is a non-issue in understanding the motivation for fighting on both sides. It became an issue when it was politically expedient to make it one.