Society is an open-ended partnership between generations. The dead and the unborn are as much members of society as the living. To dishonor the dead is to reject the relation on which society is built - a relation of obligation between generations. Those who have lost respect for the dead have ceased to be trustees of their inheritance. Inevitably, therefore, they lose the sense of obligation to future generations. The web of obligations shrinks to the present tense. ~ Edmund Burke

24 October 2007

Congressional Constitutional Contempt

Members of the House and Senate all take an oath to defend and uphold the Constitution. Most of them, with few exception, have no desire or intension to that which they have sworn to do. In this article the one and only Walter Williams discusses the proposed Enumerated Powers Act and why the oath breakers will not pass this legislation...

We have another patriot in the belly of the Leviathan. Besides Dr. Ron Paul, Rep. John Shadegg of Arizona is showing that there are still one or two out there who think that one's word matters and that an oath taken means an oath will be fulfilled.

Since 1995, Rep. Shadegg (R-AZ) has introduced the Enumerated Powers Act (HR 1359) which would require lawmakers to disclose which enumerated powers delegated to the central government by the States via the Constitution gives them the authority to enact such a law as they propose:

"Each Act of Congress shall contain a concise and definite statement of the constitutional authority relied upon for the enactment of each portion of that Act. The failure to comply with this section shall give rise to a point of order in either House of Congress. The availability of this point of order does not affect any other available relief."

I am not stupid enough to think that a law would stop these criminals from raping, robbing, and terrorizing the citizens, but at least they would have to make some tortured effort to justify their actions.

n nothing else, it would be fun to watch...

Click above (read more) to read Dr. Walter E. Williams article on Rep. Shadegg and his crusade...

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