I know you must think I am beating a dead horse with all of my Lincoln banter, BUT here we have yet another tyrant evoking Lincoln to justify illegal (and immoral) actions.
Musharraf understands Lincoln perfectly-- better than most Americans I know. Why do the American people continue to reverence this war criminal?
When are we going to come clean about Honest Abe and his legacy of terror?
Only then can we be in a position to begin to reclaim out God-given liberties!
Lincoln is the origin and foundation of the American empire and we have to rid ourselves of the chose mauvaise if we are to ever restore the constitutional republic established by our founders.
Check out the video. It says it all.
Musharraf understands Lincoln perfectly-- better than most Americans I know. Why do the American people continue to reverence this war criminal?
When are we going to come clean about Honest Abe and his legacy of terror?
Only then can we be in a position to begin to reclaim out God-given liberties!
Lincoln is the origin and foundation of the American empire and we have to rid ourselves of the chose mauvaise if we are to ever restore the constitutional republic established by our founders.
Check out the video. It says it all.