Society is an open-ended partnership between generations. The dead and the unborn are as much members of society as the living. To dishonor the dead is to reject the relation on which society is built - a relation of obligation between generations. Those who have lost respect for the dead have ceased to be trustees of their inheritance. Inevitably, therefore, they lose the sense of obligation to future generations. The web of obligations shrinks to the present tense. ~ Edmund Burke

04 December 2007

Ron Paul: Friend of the South

After Carpetbagger Romney and the Scalleywag Thompson's insulting remarks last week regarding our flag on the CNN YouTube GOP Presidential Primary Debate, it's good to know that there is someone out there willing to speak the truth!
The video above is from HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher, which aired on March 30, 2008.
Dr. Paul, in his treatment of The War of Norther Aggression, showed himself to be both well versed in the true history of the South and willing and able to thoughtfully articulate it.
At last, a true friend of the South!

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