Society is an open-ended partnership between generations. The dead and the unborn are as much members of society as the living. To dishonor the dead is to reject the relation on which society is built - a relation of obligation between generations. Those who have lost respect for the dead have ceased to be trustees of their inheritance. Inevitably, therefore, they lose the sense of obligation to future generations. The web of obligations shrinks to the present tense. ~ Edmund Burke

28 December 2006

Not at liberty to smoke

Cigarettes and civil liberties: A new battle for freedom at Sullivan's Island, South Carolina and this time it is not the British Navy that is attacking!

read more digg story

Like Mr. Sewell, the author of the article cited above, I too am somewhat taken back with the irony of the situation that has developed at Sullivan's Island and spread throughout the once great state of South Carolina.

Imagine, the great Colonel William Moultrie, repulsing an invading force against all odds for the freedom of his homeland only to have that homeland reject the very idea for which he fought!

No one is going to defend the virtues of smoking, least of all me. HOWEVER, one I will defend the virtues of the right to chose to smoke or not to smoke on private property.

Like all encroachments on our liberties, it is an act of aggression. The aggressors, in this case, are City Council Members and their liberty hating allies in the citizenry -- the Pleasure Police (to use the term coined by Cigar Dave).

Against what are they aggressing? Bad health? Maybe a few misguided dupes believe that, but those peddling this snake-oil legislation know better…

This is an attack on private business owners and their patrons.

More to the point:


This is a war against the rights to sell and consume a legal product on one’s own property. Cigarettes – or whatever bogey man they taunt us with— is a smoke and mirror tactic to hide the crux of the matter.

[They are unwilling to ban cigarettes because of the tax revenue they generate. With an addicted pool of consumers, they know they can raise the tax to any level they wish and it will be paid, but this is a different issue…]

If public, state owned building wish to ban smoking, fine.

If it is a private business, let the people vote with their shoes. If they do not want to be in a smoke filled bar, go elsewhere. Let the market bare out what the citizens want.

New York City — and I can believe this is actually true – is now waging a war on trans fats-- you know the stuff that makes fried food taste so damn good? South Carolina will eventually follow if this kind of encroachment is tolerated. It's just a matter of time before those do-gooders up in Washington, DC get in on the action.

Where does this end?

Our ancestors were poised to fight over a trifling tax on tea! What do you think they would do in a case like this?

Congratulations, Mr. Sewell, on your Article. At least there is someone out there who sees how far we have fallen.

For life, liberty, and the right to smoke and eat greasy french fries if I so choose, I am yours

In the cause,

~ P. C.

06 November 2006

Coming together to ponder pulling apart

Latter-day secessionists of all stripes convene in Vermont... The First North American Secessionist Convention, billed as the first national gathering of secessionists since the [so-called] Civil War, included an eclectic mix of conservatives, liberals, libertarians, left-wing Green Party zealots, and right-wing Christian activists.

read more digg story

While I believe that there is a better chance for actual secession than these various groups from agreeing on much of anything (except for their contempt for the American Empire), at least they are talking. The idea of secession, long suppressed, is the foundation upon which these United States are founded. Without secession, there is no USA. Without the OPTION of secession, we are never free. We should feel no different about throwing off the tyranny of a domestic government should it continue on its present path than we do about our founding fathers throwing off the yoke of Great Britain when disunion was the only option left.

The farce which will be thrust upon the people tomorrow on Election Day gives the illusion that the people have a choice. Republican or Democrat is not much of a choice if you ask me. They TALK a different game, but it is what they DO which lays the fraud bare.

I'll go and vote, but I do not expect change. It will take more than a Republicrat majority in the Senate or House to accomplish that.

My only gripe about the article is the obligatory charge of racism against the Southern folks. It’s tough for the righteous north to resist…

God! Those folks just don't get it!

Until next time, I remain yours

In the cause,

~ P. C.

"One of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in the great struggle for independence. " ~Charles A. Beard

16 October 2006

Bond says boycott should continue

The NAACP will continue the economic boycott against South Carolina over the flying of the Confederate flag as long as the state chapter wants to, said Julian Bond, the group's national board chairman...

read more

After reading the above, I think Mr. Bond is exactly right. They should keep the boycott going.


Well... it shows how stubborn and hateful the NAACP is against those whose ancestors answered the State call to fight back in 1860-- in a word, native white South Carolinians.

While I have no doubt that they strongly dislike southern whites, both living and dead, who do not deny their heriatage, the issue becomes complicated when we discover that...

South Carolina, as well as other Confederate states had black soldiers fighting under the flag that they condemn. Although I assume that the anger of the NAACP is not directed towards soldiers of colour, BUT perhaps it is!

The existence of black Confederate soldiers complicates their stereotypical and over-simplified portrayal of the two races in South Carolina (and elsewhere) at that time.

[Strangley enough, the article linked HERE appeared TODAY (!) concerning a Confederate soldier of African descent being honoured in Georgia, but this line of thought is beginning to take me off topic.].

Another reason I think they should continue their boycott of South Carolina is because it shows them to be that which they accuse others to be-- intolerant, racist, and hateful.

It shows that although the flag was moved from the dome and chambers of the South Carolina State House at their insistence and in good faith by South Carolina Lawmakers, it was not good enough.

Apparently, one culture and its symbols must be sacrificed to make room for another.

According to them, that flag is a symbol of hate regardless of history, reason, fact, or argument to the contrary, even though to me and millions of others it is anything but that.

It shows how little they care for so-called "Colored" people-- an antiquated and bigoted word which is still ensconced in their organization's name-- by creating a fury over an object which has no impact on the African Americans' day to day existence.

It shows that they do not know the difference between the so-called “Civil War” (So-called because it was no such a thing) and the Civil Rights Movement…

Mostly, however, it shows how impotent they are as South Carolina's tourism continues to improve.

It's too bad that we must continue this non-issue, but Mr. Bonds and others of his mindset will always make sure that there is enough racial tention to further their lack of agenda and sow the seeds of hate where none need exist.

Until next time, I remain yours

In the cause,

~ P. C.

P.S. – The poem "I am their Flag" recited by black Southern activist and former NAACP officer from North Carolina, H.K. Edgerton can be accessed by clicking HERE. It is really worth watching.

Society is an open-ended partnership between generations. The dead and the unborn are as much members of society as the living. To dishonor the dead is to reject the relation on which society is built—a relation of obligation between generations. Those who have lost respect for the dead have ceased to be trustees of their inheritance. Inevitably, therefore, they lose their sense of obligation to future generations. The web of obligation shrinks to the present tense. ~Edmond Burk

30 July 2006

Lincoln and the Preservation of Slavery?

Hello and Greetings from Dixie!

I read a great article this morning by Dr. Thomas DiLorenzo on Lew Rockwell (July 24th, 2006) concerning Lincoln's Pro-Slavery record called The Lincoln Cults Latest Cover-Up.

DiLorenzo referenced a recently found letter written by Lincoln urging the passing of a constitutional amendment-- what has been come to be known as the Ghost or Corwin Amendment -- which would enshrine slavery in the United States FOREVER!

I find this issue both fascinating and troubling. Will this tarnish the image of the Great Emancipator?

I doubt it!

Unfortunately, the truth does not further the mythology of the righteous North who teach our children that the South was wicked and that the North was justified in their unconstitutional invasion because they freed the slaves.

It also does not help the image the modern Republicans wish to cultivate with those of African descent.

Just last week President Bush evoked the name of Lincoln in this "historic" speech before the NAACP. Bush said that, "I consider it a tragedy that the party of Abraham Lincoln let go of its historic ties with the African American community."

To what ties does the President refer? The Emancipation Proclamation?

This proclamation was really a war time gimmick which did nothing, except perhaps, make the North feel good about their cause.

In this proclamation, Lincoln "freed" all the slaves over which Lincoln had no control, i.e., those in the CSA which were not occupied by Federal troops, and none of the slaves over which he did have control, i.e., those in the USA and those in the CSA which were occupied by Federal Troops.

Don't believe me-- read it: The Emancipation Proclamation

(I am beginning to wonder if anyone has...)

It was our current 13th Amendment to the Constitution that really freed the slaves-- all of them--in these United States of America. This was a real act of Congress and the States (including the former Confederate States), that really changed the law and really abolished slavery.

This great task was not done, like the mythology goes, by Presidential fiat... Lincoln waved his hand and Whoosh! the slaves were free.

It makes for a nice story, but it is untrue.

This "amazing" find, this "lost letter," once again illustrates the myth, indeed the willful lie, about Lincoln and the "African American community."

Why is all this important?

Because it shows that Lincoln was perfectly willing to establish slavery forever, yet the South still did not wish to rejoin the Union after secession. Why? What other reason was there for them to desire to separate?

It also shows that Lincoln's motivation for the war was something other than the freedom of the slaves. If it was not to free the slaves, why did Lincoln refuse to let the Southern States go in peace?

But more amazing (and troubling) than these historical questions, it goes to show to what lengths some people are willing to go-- over 140 years after the fact-- preserve the myth of Lincoln.

Why? What happens if the idol is smashed? What happens if the myth is exposed? What is to be gained by willfully obscuring the facts regarding this man and the war fought to prevent Southern independence? Who wins? Who loses?

Until we are willing to honestly face the past, all of us-- black or white-- will remain in intellectual bondage, shacked to a lie, and will continue to believe the worst about one another.

Until next time, I remain yours

In the cause,

~ P. C.

"One of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in the great struggle for independence. "
~Charles A. Beard

***Update 10/25/2006:
North Carolina State archives to display Lincoln's slavery amendment

Alternative News Sources:

The War on Terror

Hello & Greetings from Dixie!

Now what I wish to address is not THE war on terror currently being conducted by the US armed forces. I understand that it is too late to avert that one and that we MUST finish it. In fact, I was all for it until we decided that it was our job to plant the "seeds of democracy." [The democratically elected government in Palestine should be enough to convince those skeptical of my view on this matter] Government building is not our job, retaliation against those who would like to fly planes into our building, cut off people's heads, etc., is an all together different consideration. But I digress...

I am tired of being terrorized by our government in the form of taxation and intrusive policies under the auspices of protecting us from a small group of people bent on blowing themselves and others up for Allah. Until we can keep our citizens from killing each other, the exercise is one of futility.

This protectionalist ruse has been used by many here since "Honest" Abe opened this Pandora's Box in 1860. It is an excuse to disregard the Constitution and consolidate power.

What we need is something or someone to protect us from the government!

I haven't the slightest concern for being blown-up on a plane.

I am, however, concerned about those folks manning the gates and riffling through my person and property with the full sanction and authority of the Federal Government.

We should never sell our birthright for a pot of porridge, which is EXACTLY what we have done!
Consider the words of Benjamin Franklin:

"They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

I can choose not to fly, but I cannot choose to not pay my taxes-- at least without great material injury to my family.

Why should I, a citizen of South Carolina, be taxed for a bridge being built in Alaska (or anywhere else for that matter)?

Why should my hard earned money be shipped to foreign countries for God knows what?

Why should I struggle to make ends meet when my hard earned money is scattered to the four winds of heaven?

Thomas Jefferson said that, "To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors, is sinful and tyrannical."

At least I am not alone in my assessment of tyranny! I think Mr. Jefferson would be with me on this...

Recently in South Carolina, our legislature voted for property tax relief, funding it by raising the sales tax. This shuck and jive election year stunt comes on the heels of a surplus of income to the state. Its not just the Feds, the states are in on the gig too!

What will it take to make us open our eyes?

George Washington would be reaching for his sword! Don't believe me? Check out the complaints lodge against the tyrant, King George as enumerated in our Declaration of Independence before we seceded from the British Empire.

[Go ahead, read it before continuing...]

How many of these outrages committed by King George do we suffer under today?

How much better off were we then as opposed to now?

Are we better off at all?

If we are not living under terror, then I would like to know what kind of liberty this is...

We are being terrorized by domestic and foreign enemies: one determined to rob us of our God given rights and lawfully obtained sustenance (The State) and one determined to terrorize us through murder and mayhem because of their extreme religious views (Islamo-Fascists are but one example).

Both are--or have become-- the enemy of a once free and proud people... Now mostly a Nation of Sheeple.

We can’t do much about the war overseas, but we can do something about the war going on here:

We can accomplish much by voting out the terrorist in Washington and replacing them with Patriots.

This may mean voting outside the two party system, i.e., voting for a candidate who is friendly to the Constitution instead of the voting the lesser of two evils.

This does not work and never will.

The Republicans have caused just as much mischief, if not more, than The Democrats previously in power.

They are the same! This is especially true at the National level.

Our domestic terrorists in power depend on an ignorant populist in order to increase/consolidate their power and rob us of our rights and goods.

Read the constitution of your state and the federal government and lay it against what you see going on around you. It will shock and amaze you!

We need to do something before we lose what little bit of personal liberty that we have left.

What will you do? What will I do?

~ P. C.

One of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in the great struggle for independence. ~Charles A. Beard

Happy Secession Day!

- Originally Published July 4th, 2006 -
Hello & Greetings from Dixie!

Today marks the 230th anniversary of the American Colonies seceding from the British Empire-- a great day in the history of liberty and self determination.

The prose employed by Thomas Jefferson in our Declaration of Independence is sublime!

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government...

Sadly, we no longer believe that government derives its just powers from the consent of the governed. That "revolutionary" idea ended in 1865 when the South was forced to submit to an authority from which they had withdrawn their consent.

This set a precedent that has continued to destroy our personal liberties since its innovation and implementation by wicked usurpers and tyrants who have trampled the Constitution of our forbearers under foot to make us subjects to the State when it was the intent of our forbearers to have it the other way around.

Now we know that the government derives its (unjust) powers from the point of a bayonet, the barrel of a gun, or the receiving end of the bomb.

It also derives its (unjust) powers by the intimidation of the citizens by the tax collector and other government regulator who terrorize and intimidate the people into submission.

They are powerful, we are weak.

Now, we believe, or have been lead to believe, that MIGHT MAKES RIGHT.

This was not the foundation on which our country was established.

I see no reason to celebrate the principles that lead the Colonies to secede from the British Empire because we, as a people, no longer hold those truths to be self-evident or unalienable.

Although glorious in 1776, "Independence Day" in 2006 is a troubling day-- a day filled with joy, sorrow, and anger-- especially for those of us who still believe in those unalienable rights-- those rights which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle us; those rights claimed by our forbearers and paid for with the blood of patriots...

I think we ought to think about what has been gained and what has been lost since out first war of secession.

Until next time, I remain yours

In the cause,

~ P. C.

One of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in the great struggle for independence.
~Charles A. Beard