Society is an open-ended partnership between generations. The dead and the unborn are as much members of society as the living. To dishonor the dead is to reject the relation on which society is built - a relation of obligation between generations. Those who have lost respect for the dead have ceased to be trustees of their inheritance. Inevitably, therefore, they lose the sense of obligation to future generations. The web of obligations shrinks to the present tense. ~ Edmund Burke

30 July 2006

The War on Terror

Hello & Greetings from Dixie!

Now what I wish to address is not THE war on terror currently being conducted by the US armed forces. I understand that it is too late to avert that one and that we MUST finish it. In fact, I was all for it until we decided that it was our job to plant the "seeds of democracy." [The democratically elected government in Palestine should be enough to convince those skeptical of my view on this matter] Government building is not our job, retaliation against those who would like to fly planes into our building, cut off people's heads, etc., is an all together different consideration. But I digress...

I am tired of being terrorized by our government in the form of taxation and intrusive policies under the auspices of protecting us from a small group of people bent on blowing themselves and others up for Allah. Until we can keep our citizens from killing each other, the exercise is one of futility.

This protectionalist ruse has been used by many here since "Honest" Abe opened this Pandora's Box in 1860. It is an excuse to disregard the Constitution and consolidate power.

What we need is something or someone to protect us from the government!

I haven't the slightest concern for being blown-up on a plane.

I am, however, concerned about those folks manning the gates and riffling through my person and property with the full sanction and authority of the Federal Government.

We should never sell our birthright for a pot of porridge, which is EXACTLY what we have done!
Consider the words of Benjamin Franklin:

"They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

I can choose not to fly, but I cannot choose to not pay my taxes-- at least without great material injury to my family.

Why should I, a citizen of South Carolina, be taxed for a bridge being built in Alaska (or anywhere else for that matter)?

Why should my hard earned money be shipped to foreign countries for God knows what?

Why should I struggle to make ends meet when my hard earned money is scattered to the four winds of heaven?

Thomas Jefferson said that, "To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors, is sinful and tyrannical."

At least I am not alone in my assessment of tyranny! I think Mr. Jefferson would be with me on this...

Recently in South Carolina, our legislature voted for property tax relief, funding it by raising the sales tax. This shuck and jive election year stunt comes on the heels of a surplus of income to the state. Its not just the Feds, the states are in on the gig too!

What will it take to make us open our eyes?

George Washington would be reaching for his sword! Don't believe me? Check out the complaints lodge against the tyrant, King George as enumerated in our Declaration of Independence before we seceded from the British Empire.

[Go ahead, read it before continuing...]

How many of these outrages committed by King George do we suffer under today?

How much better off were we then as opposed to now?

Are we better off at all?

If we are not living under terror, then I would like to know what kind of liberty this is...

We are being terrorized by domestic and foreign enemies: one determined to rob us of our God given rights and lawfully obtained sustenance (The State) and one determined to terrorize us through murder and mayhem because of their extreme religious views (Islamo-Fascists are but one example).

Both are--or have become-- the enemy of a once free and proud people... Now mostly a Nation of Sheeple.

We can’t do much about the war overseas, but we can do something about the war going on here:

We can accomplish much by voting out the terrorist in Washington and replacing them with Patriots.

This may mean voting outside the two party system, i.e., voting for a candidate who is friendly to the Constitution instead of the voting the lesser of two evils.

This does not work and never will.

The Republicans have caused just as much mischief, if not more, than The Democrats previously in power.

They are the same! This is especially true at the National level.

Our domestic terrorists in power depend on an ignorant populist in order to increase/consolidate their power and rob us of our rights and goods.

Read the constitution of your state and the federal government and lay it against what you see going on around you. It will shock and amaze you!

We need to do something before we lose what little bit of personal liberty that we have left.

What will you do? What will I do?

~ P. C.

One of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in the great struggle for independence. ~Charles A. Beard

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