Society is an open-ended partnership between generations. The dead and the unborn are as much members of society as the living. To dishonor the dead is to reject the relation on which society is built - a relation of obligation between generations. Those who have lost respect for the dead have ceased to be trustees of their inheritance. Inevitably, therefore, they lose the sense of obligation to future generations. The web of obligations shrinks to the present tense. ~ Edmund Burke

30 April 2008

Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Children: Elian Gonzales times 437

Sending the 437 Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints children off to foster care is downright awful and reminds me of shipping Gonzales back to Cuba.

That is already a verdict rendered against them and without justice.

This has nothing to do with child abuse and everything to do with the production of uniformity and conformity. It has everything to do with a lack of respect for the children and their elders and their way of life.
Freedom and rights may as well be flushed down the drain.It's happened before in America. The State has deported people for their beliefs, rousted them, jailed them for taking substances, sent them to camps because they were the wrong race, and of course made them slaves.
It is still heartbreaking to see innocents steamrollered by the State.

This little article by Michael S. Rozeff is the only sensible thing I have read since big government, on a tip that may turn out to be fabricated, invaded the homes and holy spaces of the members of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS).
As a former practicing Mormon, having been raised in an LDS family, I have been questioned about this by many colleagues and friends who know of my religious upbringing. My take is pretty straight forward and goes like this:
  1. There are plenty of allegations, but as of now there have been no trials or convictions.
  2. If some one has done something illegal, arrest the wrong-doer, put him or her on trial, and let the cards fall where they may. There is no reason, however, to disrupt a whole community.
  3. The allegations are currently being made against the MEN of the sect and not the WOMEN, nevertheless, the women are not being allowed by the government to see their own children. Do they pose a danger to the children? If so, how?
  4. Even with the alleged abuse, what do you think is going to happen to these children-- ripped from their families and thrust into a world about which they know nothing and for which they are not equipped to adapt? I shudder to think!
  5. Does anyone really believe that these children will be better off in the care of THE STATE!?!?

Have doubts about the monstrosity of this action, listen to the story of this ordeal as told by some of the mothers.

I find it odd that we have recently exposed elected officials engaged in bathroom-stall sexual escapades, solicitation and employment of prostitutes, and engagement in all kinds of extra-marital sexual activities while married to one woman, and no one has raided their homes, taken their children into "protective custody," separated mothers from their children, or even suggest such a thing ought to be done.

YET, these paragons of righteousness and their colleagues think they know better than these religious folks (strange as they may seem) how best to raise their children?

Let me be clear, child abuse is a serious crime and-- if properly charged and convicted-- should be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

However, until that happens, these people ought to be able to collect their children and go home while they await their trial.

If there be any women who do not wish to return with their children, there is no one who is going to make them return. They are free to go. BUT, those who do and have chosen this life should be allowed to live their lives free from molestation by the government UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY!

28 April 2008

Black councilwoman attends Confederate memorial

On Sunday, the African-American councilwoman joined the Southern side of the Civil War hen she lead a local chapter of the Sons of Confederate Veterans singing I Wish I Was in Dixie in honor of Confederate soldiers.

This kind of "reaching out" should come as a surprise to no one and the fact that it does says a lot! It's too bad that this kind of "coming together" is viewed with suspicion. Southerners, both black and white, have more in common with each other than they do with Yankees.

If the Southern people do not act as they are expected to-- think Mississippi Burning-- it shocks the hell out of our neighbors to the north and their lackeys down here!

Why can't we all just get along? Apparently we can when folks are willing to respect one another's cultural heritage.

To see the news clip of this occasion, please click HERE.

16 April 2008

NYC Secession Talk Resurfaces

"I think secession's time has definitely come again," Mr. Vallone, who spearheaded a similar push in 2003, told The New York Sun yesterday. "If not secession, somebody please tell me what other options we have if the state is going to continue to take billions from us and give us back pennies. Should we raise taxes some more? Should we cut services some more? Or should we consider seriously going out on our own?"...
"Not only is it about self-determination and self-rule, but it's about fairness," Mr. Vallone said. "It's something we see every year in the budget. They take $11 billion from us and give us back a mere pittance and they make it seem like they're doing us a favor to give that pittance back. Somehow they missed the point that that is New York City's own tax money and we deserve it."

This ain't the first time New York City has considered this option. Can you blame them? One can only be pushed so far.

The word "secession" is being spoken in all sections of the country, not just the South. It may be the only option left. I once read that...

whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.

Sounds like a good idea to me. How about you?