- There are plenty of allegations, but as of now there have been no trials or convictions.
- If some one has done something illegal, arrest the wrong-doer, put him or her on trial, and let the cards fall where they may. There is no reason, however, to disrupt a whole community.
- The allegations are currently being made against the MEN of the sect and not the WOMEN, nevertheless, the women are not being allowed by the government to see their own children. Do they pose a danger to the children? If so, how?
- Even with the alleged abuse, what do you think is going to happen to these children-- ripped from their families and thrust into a world about which they know nothing and for which they are not equipped to adapt? I shudder to think!
- Does anyone really believe that these children will be better off in the care of THE STATE!?!?
Have doubts about the monstrosity of this action, listen to the story of this ordeal as told by some of the mothers.
I find it odd that we have recently exposed elected officials engaged in bathroom-stall sexual escapades, solicitation and employment of prostitutes, and engagement in all kinds of extra-marital sexual activities while married to one woman, and no one has raided their homes, taken their children into "protective custody," separated mothers from their children, or even suggest such a thing ought to be done.
YET, these paragons of righteousness and their colleagues think they know better than these religious folks (strange as they may seem) how best to raise their children?
Let me be clear, child abuse is a serious crime and-- if properly charged and convicted-- should be punished to the fullest extent of the law.
However, until that happens, these people ought to be able to collect their children and go home while they await their trial.
If there be any women who do not wish to return with their children, there is no one who is going to make them return. They are free to go. BUT, those who do and have chosen this life should be allowed to live their lives free from molestation by the government UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY!
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