Society is an open-ended partnership between generations. The dead and the unborn are as much members of society as the living. To dishonor the dead is to reject the relation on which society is built - a relation of obligation between generations. Those who have lost respect for the dead have ceased to be trustees of their inheritance. Inevitably, therefore, they lose the sense of obligation to future generations. The web of obligations shrinks to the present tense. ~ Edmund Burke

21 December 2007

Sitting Bull's people secedes from U.S.

The Lakota Indians, who gave the world legendary warriors Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse, have withdrawn from treaties with the US. "We are no longer citizens of the United States of America and all those who live in the five-state area that encompasses our country are free to join us,'' long-time Indian rights activist Russell Means said.''

The Palmetto Star and Crescent congratulates the Lakota People and wishes them peace, heath, and prosperity as they now take their destiny into their own hands.

20 December 2007

Happy Secession Day!

On this day in 1860, South Carolina resumed the powers it had delegated to the Federal Union by its ratification of the U.S. Constitution and became a free and independent State:

AN ORDINANCE to dissolve the union between the State of South Carolina and other States united with her under the compact entitled "The Constitution of the United States of America."
We, the people of the State of South Carolina, in convention assembled, do declare and ordain, and it is hereby declared and ordained, That the ordinance adopted by us in convention on the twenty-third day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight, whereby the Constitution of the United States of America was ratified, and also all acts and parts of acts of the General Assembly of this State ratifying amendments of the said Constitution, are hereby repealed; and that the union now subsisting between South Carolina and other States, under the name of the "United States of America," is hereby dissolved.

Done at Charleston the twentieth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty.

Because ordinance was never legally rescinded, South Carolina must of necessity be considered occupied territory-- subject to the will and whim of the United States government. One may consider this an obscure historical oddity, but it is a fact and this fact tells us all we need to know about the nature of the union.

While many of our citizens, like a battered wife, have accepted their second class status in the union, many of us find it odious, offensive, and unacceptable.

While I do not object to the union of the states in principle, I believe this union should be completely voluntary and that this union should be strictly governed by the terms mutually agreed to by the ALL of the states.

If I had but one wish for this country, it would be that a new constitutional convention be called to determine whether or not the current arrangement is acceptable to all parties comprising these united States of America. Such a convention would provide each State the opportunity to renegotiate the terms of this union, thus guaranteeing that one state or region does not arbitrarily dictate la règle du jeu to any other state or region.

Otherwise, we should peaceably go our separate ways.

Such a separation would not necessitate the inability of the citizens of the various polities to maintain friendship, trade, and travel. This does not mean that we would not come to one another's aid should a defense of the continent become a necessity. This does mean, however, that we would no longer be unequally yoked together in a political marriage held together by guns and bayonets.

The next best thing, of course, would be a return to the original agreement between the States, i.e., the U.S. Constitution, which is what Ron Paul is trying to achieve in his bid for President.

Our current elected politician, however, will never restrict themselves of their own free will and accord. It will have to be forced upon them by the governed. This is why the Ron Paul Revolution is so important. It is our chance, as the people of the several states, to serve notice to those in positions of power that we will no longer consent to arbitrary and unconstitutional rule.

Only by binding the government with the heavy chains of a lawful constitution can we be in a position to secure our freedom reclaim our liberty.

So, today as we reflect on this day in the history of South Carolina, we are reminded that there one existed a people who loved LIBERTY more than UNION and FREEDOM more than SAFETY.

So, to my fellow South Carolinians and lovers of liberty everywhere: Happy Secession Day!

May we one day reclaim our place among the nations of the earth and once again be truly free!

05 December 2007

South Carolina and the Ron Paul Revolution

There is one word that one must grasp in order to understand traditional Southern political thought.

The word is LIBERTY, that free and unfettered pursuit of one's God-given, inalienable rights.

It was the understanding of our forebears that governments are instituted among men to secure our God-given rights and derive their authority, or just powers, from the consent of the governed and from no other place. I concur.

When our liberty is threatened or impeded in any way, another word surfaces: FREEDOM. Because governments are established to secure our liberty, should they illegally seek deprive us of our rights, we have a duty to free ourselves from the offending government and by altering or abolishing it.

When freedom from impediment proves to be unachievable, another word will inevitably finds itself on the lips of patriots: REVOLUTION!

When the British had overstepped their bounds and sought to fetter the ancient liberties of our people, South Carolinians were among the first to resist and demand freedom.

General William Moultrie, against all odds, stood against and defeated the greatest Navy in the world as he engaged the British fleet of Sir Peter Parker at Sullivan's Island, South Carolina, on June 28, 1776.

Six days later the colonies declared their independence from the British Empire and thus set into motion the revolution that would eventually free colonies from the tyrannical influence of this foreign government.

When the colonies established their freedom from Great Britain, they established a government based on the principles laid out in the Declaration of Independence and strictly enumerated the powers of the newly formed Federal government so as to avoid the situation from which they had recently been entangled.

This was accomplished by the ratification of the U.S. Constitution by the several free and independent states.

adly, this new government-- the creation of the several states-- failed to execute its proper functions, overstepped its due bounds, and began to threaten the ancient liberties of our people, as had the British only a couple of generations before.

Once again, the word liberty was on the lips of our people and they determined, by solemn convention, to declare themselves independent from the tyrannical combinations which that had begun to consolidate federal power in the Northern states.

We (South Carolina) were the first of the Southern States to do so, becoming a free and independent Republic on December 20, 1860.

Since the close of that war, we the people of South Carolina have continued to resist tyranny as best as we could through the limited means available to us. As many began to believe once again in the American system, our people began to seek for redress via the ballot box. This has proved to be ineffective.

We have been seduced by the false dichotomy of Republican and Democrats; Liberal and Conservative.

We have allowed the Republicans to delude us into believing that they are conservative and would restore our rights if they could only gain control of the government.

Well, they have and we find ourselves less free than we were back when we had that scallywag playboy from Arkansas in the White House.

However, after a long train of abuses, lies, and betrayals, revolution is once again in the air; the sacred word LIBERTY is once more being spoken.

It is being evoked by a small, unassuming Congressman from Texas, Ron Paul.

His candidacy for the Republican nomination for President has thrown a spark on a powder keg and has ignited a revolution!

It is not a revolution of cannon, sword, and shot, but rather a revolution of ideas-- an awakening to the traditional understanding of the purpose of government-- indeed its only purpose-- to secure our liberties!

Our liberties can only be secured by having our government strictly chained and bound by the Constitution.

Like a lone voice crying in the wilderness, Ron Paul has become the voice of the old struggle which has one more surfaced after countless efforts to efface the word LIBERTY from the American political lexicon.

It is a cry to return to the rule of law, a return to the principles of our founding fathers. It is a rejection of entitlement and innovation. It is a battle cry of freedom!

The Ron Paul Revolution is unlike any revolution in the annuals of American history. It's not being fought on any traditional political turf. Its most effective battles, in fact, have been waged on that untamed and unregulated frontier we call cyber-space.

It is here that patriots have been able to bypass the traditional gate keepers of public information-- the television, the radio, and the press-- all of whom have sold the people out and will, no doubt, continue to do so.

What do we do?

We have found our liberty under attack and we have been unsuccessful in securing our freedoms from the so-called conservative candidates being sold to us by the Party and their allies in the media.

To the people of South Carolina I say this:

THE TIME HAS COME to take your rightful place at the head of the column!

THE TIME HAS COME to rally your family, friends, and colleagues around the banner of LIBERTY and demand that our ancient liberties and God given rights shall no longer be trampled under foot!

THE TIME HAS COME to rally behind the Texan!

THE TIME HAS COME TO RESOLVE that we will be the first state in the Union to put a man on the ballot who is not a politician, but a statesman; a man dedicated to restoring the rights and liberties for which our ancestors fought, bled, and died!

When SOUTH CAROLINA takes the lead and RON PAUL wins the South Carolina Republican Primary, our sister states of the South will follow.

Let is not shrink before our obligations or shirk our responsibilities as the free men and women of the great state of South Carolina!

The fight is here and the fight is now. It's time to cast your lot with LIBERTY and join the RON PAUL REVOLUTION!

04 December 2007

Ron Paul: Friend of the South

After Carpetbagger Romney and the Scalleywag Thompson's insulting remarks last week regarding our flag on the CNN YouTube GOP Presidential Primary Debate, it's good to know that there is someone out there willing to speak the truth!
The video above is from HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher, which aired on March 30, 2008.
Dr. Paul, in his treatment of The War of Norther Aggression, showed himself to be both well versed in the true history of the South and willing and able to thoughtfully articulate it.
At last, a true friend of the South!

30 November 2007

Musharraf and Lincoln

I know you must think I am beating a dead horse with all of my Lincoln banter, BUT here we have yet another tyrant evoking Lincoln to justify illegal (and immoral) actions.

Musharraf understands Lincoln perfectly-- better than most Americans I know. Why do the American people continue to reverence this war criminal?

When are we going to come clean about Honest Abe and his legacy of terror?

Only then can we be in a position to begin to reclaim out God-given liberties!

Lincoln is the origin and foundation of the American empire and we have to rid ourselves of the chose mauvaise if we are to ever restore the constitutional republic established by our founders.

Check out the video. It says it all.

09 November 2007

Was Jesus - or Lincoln - the Savior of the World?

According to the neocon Manhattan Institute, the answer to the question posed in the title of this article is . . . . . drum roll please . . . . . Lincoln. For those Christians who are skeptical of the notion that they should abandon their faith and embrace their new savior, "Father Abraham," it is all explained to them in an October 23 City Journal online article entitled "How Lincoln Saved the World" by Michael Knox Beran...
If you think this is a joke, I invite you to read the article linked HERE by Dr. Thomas DiLorenzo. Will the insanity never stop!?!?

24 October 2007

Congressional Constitutional Contempt

Members of the House and Senate all take an oath to defend and uphold the Constitution. Most of them, with few exception, have no desire or intension to that which they have sworn to do. In this article the one and only Walter Williams discusses the proposed Enumerated Powers Act and why the oath breakers will not pass this legislation...

We have another patriot in the belly of the Leviathan. Besides Dr. Ron Paul, Rep. John Shadegg of Arizona is showing that there are still one or two out there who think that one's word matters and that an oath taken means an oath will be fulfilled.

Since 1995, Rep. Shadegg (R-AZ) has introduced the Enumerated Powers Act (HR 1359) which would require lawmakers to disclose which enumerated powers delegated to the central government by the States via the Constitution gives them the authority to enact such a law as they propose:

"Each Act of Congress shall contain a concise and definite statement of the constitutional authority relied upon for the enactment of each portion of that Act. The failure to comply with this section shall give rise to a point of order in either House of Congress. The availability of this point of order does not affect any other available relief."

I am not stupid enough to think that a law would stop these criminals from raping, robbing, and terrorizing the citizens, but at least they would have to make some tortured effort to justify their actions.

n nothing else, it would be fun to watch...

Click above (read more) to read Dr. Walter E. Williams article on Rep. Shadegg and his crusade...

30 May 2007

Bush's Detention Facilities

Houston-based KBR, formerly the engineering and construction subsidiary of Halliburton Co., has a contingency contract in place with the Department of Homeland Security to construct detention facilities in the event of a national emergency...

Last week,
WND reported President Bush had signed May 9 a little-reported National Security and Homeland Security Directive (NSPD-51 and NSPD-20) that granted extraordinary powers to the president in the event of a declared national emergency, apparently without congressional approval or oversight.

published on the White House website, rescinds Presidential Decision Directive 67 signed by Bill Clinton Oct. 21, 1998, and establishes a new White House office of the National Continuity Coordinator, a position now occupied by Frances Fragos Townsend, the assistant to the president for Homeland Security and Terrorism.

The new directive concentrates an unprecedented amount of emergency authority in the office of the president, specifying that the president now has the authority to direct "National Essential Functions" of all federal state, local, territorial and tribal governments, as well as private sector organizations in the event of a national emergency.

The directive loosely defines "catastrophic emergency" as "any incident, regardless of location, that results in extraordinary levels of mass casualties, damage, or disruption severely affecting the U.S. population, infrastructure, environment, economy, or government functions."

read more digg story

I think that Mr. Lincoln has met his match. This usurpation of power, this unconstitutional power-grab, this treason against the United States of America, its laws, and its citizens should cause any doubter regarding the nature of the Empire to doubt no more.
Why is this not on the front page of every newspaper?!?!?

18 March 2007

Confederate Flag Hanging

The Confederate flag is just as much a part of U.S. history as any other flag flown in the United States before, during or after the Civil War. Therefore it should be treated with the same due respect as any other flag. Hanging the flag in this manner is an insult to the decendants that fought for it, right or wrong...

I found the article linked above quite troubling, but not for the reasons you might expect.
Although I think Mr. Sims' "art" display is vulgar and disrespectful, I fully support his right to express his views in whatever manner he deems appropriate and would not for any reason wish to see him censored.
The commander of the local Sons of Confederate Veterans chapter, Robert Hurst, called the display "offensive, objectionable and tasteless” and has petitioned the museum to remove the display along with other pieces of Sims’ work which is currently on display. There has also been talk of taking legal action to have this display forcibly removed.
I agree that the display is all of the things that Commander Hurst says that it is, but it is wrong to demand that something offensive be forcibly removed from the public domain.
We must not be guilty of hypocrisy!
If the Battle Flag of the Confederacy offends others, it is our duty to try to educate them on its true meaning. It is not our duty, however, to force others— as misguided as they may be— to be hindered in theirs first amendment right of free speech.
Yes, we should object to the mean-spirited and disrespectful treatment of that flag and be vocal about it, but it must be done with the view that we expect the same treatment when it comes to the display of our symbols.
Being offended is never a reason to demand that something be censored. He cannot ask people be tolerant of southern symbols when we deny the same rights to our enemies.
If truth is on our side, then men like Sims can only further our cause as we use the opportunity to educate the public about why it is that we object to displays of this nature.
We could have used this event as an opportunity to take the high moral ground because, until we kicked up a fuss and began to try and deny this “artist” his constitutional rights, he was the aggressor.
Be mad, be angry, and be offended, but do not stray from the principles for which our ancestors fought and which we claim also to love, viz., freedom and our God-given right to govern ourselves.
If the museum, of their own free will and accord, removes the display because of public sentiment, then we can claim a moral victory.
If it is forced down by any legal maneuvering or threats against this man’s right to express his misguided views, it will be a moral loss.
We must maintain our honour AT ALL COSTS if we are to defeat the enemies of our cultural heritage.

13 March 2007

1984 and Beyond - Science Fiction Moving Into Reality

The Guardian reports that neuroscientists have determined how to look inside a person’s brain and read their intentions before they act. The new brain scans allow them to identify patterns of brain activity showing what a person plans to do in the near future...

read more digg story
After listening to George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-Four last week on my iPod, this article appeared on
Perhaps thought crimes (crimethink in Newspeak) are closer than we would like to acknowledge.
I can only imagine what the Department of Homeland Security-- a Nineteen Eighty-Four sounding agency to begin with-- would do with this kind of technology.
With the latest assault on the U.S. Constitution, especially the 4th Amendment, via the Patriot Act and other illegal Big Brother legislation, I can only imagine things getting worse unless we the people of the sovereign states stand up to these usurpers in Washington.
After they finish with privacy, property, and speech, the only thing left is our thoughts.
Is tyranny for terror really a good trade? The Party thinks so.
Welcome to 1984.

25 February 2007

Yankees Hang Lincoln on Presidents Day

It took the Yankees in Keene, New Hampshire about 150 years to figure out (or acknowledge) what we have known about that wicked tyrant, Abraham Lincoln, down here in the South since the War to Prevent Southern Independence. Better late than never I guess...
So, why did these Yankees hang the Empire's favorite son?
According to the Keene Free Press, this patriotic display by the New Hampshire Sons of Liberty was a result of them being "Disturbed by current efforts to justify totalitarianism by appealing to Abe Lincoln's legacy."
Truer words were never spoken!

The effigy of the president was hanged without the benefit of clergy on President’s Day, after a short program that began at 8 p.m. in the town square. The charges for which he was hanged were affixed to the effigy and were as follows:

• That he suspended the writ of habeas corpus – treason, and an act of war against the American people.

• That he imprisoned tens of thousands of Union political opponents – treason, and an act of war against the American people.

• That he shut down hundreds of Union opposition newspapers – treason, and a violation of his oath to preserve and protect the Constitution, specifically the first amendment.

That he waged total warfare on the South, burning her cities, permitting rape of Southern women, and destroying the agriculture and means of food production, intentionally targeting civilians – treason, war crimes, and crimes against humanity.

That he pledged to support a Constitutional Amendment prohibiting the federal government from ever interfering with slavery – crimes against humanity, particularly African Americans.

That he was a lifelong white supremacist who advocated deporting slaves to Africa – crimes against humanity, particularly African Americans.

That he waged the bloodiest war in American history to prevent them instituting “new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness” – treason.

That he deported opposition leader, Ohio Congressman Clement L. Vallandigham in 1863 – treason, and a violation of his oath to preserve and protect the Constitution, specifically the separation of powers.

That he launched an invasion without the consent of Congress – treason, and a war crime.

That he censored all telegraph communications – treason, and a violation of his oath to preserve and protect the Constitution, particularly the first amendment.

That he imprisoned a large percentage of Maryland’s legislature and the mayor of Baltimore – treason, and a violation of his oath to preserve and protect the Constitution, particularly the tenth amendment.

That he orchestrated the Unconstitutional secession of West Virginia from Virginia, in defiance of the Constitution’s mandate that no new state may be formed from part of another state without that state’s permission – treason, and violation of his oath to preserve and protect the Constitution.

That he signed an arrest warrant for the 84 year old Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Roger B. Taney, for ruling against him on the suspension of habeas corpus – treason, and a violation of his oath to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution, particularly the separation of powers.

That he carried out a campaign of intimidation against federal judges in order to prevent them from ruling against his actions, specifically by surrounding their homes with federal marshals – treason, and a violation of his oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, particularly the separation of powers.

No Southerner could have articulated the crimes of Honest Abe better themselves. These patriots of the North have got it exactly right.

It is reported that the dead president “hung around” the town square approximately 24 hours before being taken down.

While the federal Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission is coordinating three years of events surrounding the 200th anniversary of Lincoln’s birth on February 12, 2009, we hope all Americans, North and South, will reflect upon what was gained and what was lost at Appomattox. Perhaps the commission will consult the citizens of New Hampshire as to the proper way to get the party going. Well, perhaps that is asking too much!

17 February 2007

Invasion, Conquest, and Subjugation

No, this post is not about the war in Iraq, but it could be. All acts of aggression against a sovereign people might be described thus.
This post is about Liberty.
On the day in 1865, she was raped, robbed, and murdered on the streets of my hometown, Columbia, South Carolina.
On that day, non-combatant residents in Columbia - black & white, slave & free, rich & poor - were terrorized, plundered, abused, ravished, and their homes and private property put to the torch by Federal troops.
This was not an act of war in the pejorative sense of the word. This was not collateral damage resulting from a heated battle between two opposing armies. This was a military invasion of an unarmed city and the conquest of a people — a war crime without precedence in our country’s history!
The responsibility for the burning of Columbia rests squarely on the shoulders of Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman, commander of the Federal forces.
Sherman's official report on the burning placed the blame on Lt. Gen. Wade Hampton III, who Sherman said had ordered the burning of cotton in the streets. Sherman later recanted this allegation and admitted lying in his Memoirs, Volume 11 page 287. He said, "In my official report of this conflagration I distinctly charged it to General Wade Hampton, and confess I did so pointedly to shake the faith of his people in him, for he was in my opinion a braggart and professed to be the special champion of South Carolina."
In 1867 a chance meeting of former combatants occurred in Federal Governor Orr's office in Columbia. Gen. Howard, commander of the US 15th Corps of Sherman's army during the burning, was to be introduced to Gen. Hampton in the presence of many dignitaries. Gen. Hampton said, "Before I take your hand General Howard, tell me who burnt Columbia?" Gen. Howard replied, "It is useless to deny that our troops burnt Columbia, for I saw them in the act." (See Edwin J. Scott, Random Recollections of a Long Life. page 185; The Burning of Columbia, Charleston, SC, 1888, page 11.)
While some historians and other Northern apologist may dispute that Sherman was really responsible for the atrocity, those who were in the city during the invasion knew exactly who was responsible.
William Gilmore Simms, the world renowned Southern antebellum writer and father of Southern Literature, was in Columbia on those fateful days and recorded his own experience along with several other first hand accounts from the survivors.
Simms’s account was first published in the Columbia Phoenix, an aptly named newspaper that rose from the ashes of the beleaguered city. This account was later sanitized and toned down by Simms and subsequently published in book form as The Sack and Destruction of Columbia, South Carolina after the war.
Happily, the original, unvarnished newspaper installments by Simms became available for the first time since the war through the efforts of Dr. David Aiken of Charleston. Published as A City Laid Waste: The Capture, Sack, and Destruction of the City of Columbia by the University of South Carolina Press in 2005, these original accounts are primary documents, unequalled in war-time narritave in both content and style.
I believe Simms's account is important for many reasons. Primarily it is important because these installments were written before the end of the war when Columbia was still had freedom of the press - Appomattox would not occur for another couple of months and Reconstruction had not yet reared its ugly head. Simms was free to write the event without having to worry about being censored. Furthermore, because it was written and published where the events transpired and published for the residents of the city, he could not embelish without losing his credibility. In short, this account is the real deal and can be collaborated in other sources, including Federal soldier who where present.
This book is, in my opinion, one of the most important works published during the war. One cannot read it and remain unscathed. One cannot read it and come away with anything other than shame regarding the conduct of the Grand Army of the Republic and the cause for which they fought.
I urge you, nay, I dare you to get this book and read it. It will explain everything you need to know about the Southern point of view with regards to the War for Southern Independence.
Yes, Libery was murdered on the streets of Columbia. The crime occured right here in the heart of Dixie, February 17, 1865. As Americans, we should remeber what was won and what was lost on that day. I think of it often with tears in my eyes...


For further information, you might consider visiting the following sites:

22 January 2007

Happy 200th Birthday General Lee!

Last Friday, January 19, 2007, was the 200th anniversary of General Robert Edward Lee's Birthday. This being the case, I though a few words on the late, great chiefton would be appropriate...

General Robert E. Lee was a man who was loved and respected by friend and foe alike. Although a fierce warrior and mighty chieftain, Lee was kind, gracious, and magnanimous; a Gentleman of the highest caliber; the embodiment of chivalry and Christian virtue.
Robert E. Lee’s reputation among those who knew him best was without blemish. The fame, honour and praise bestowed upon him for his personal and professional accomplishments fills volumes, yet it was his humility, his humanity, and his manly grace that sets him apart from other great men of history. In victory, General Lee gratefully acknowledged the intervening hand of Divine Providence. In defeat he never blamed others, only himself. In both in victory and in defeat, he was… Sublime!
The memory of the life and character of such an extraordinary man must be cherished and preserved for future generations, for if there was ever a man who was worthy of emulation and veneration – a man who embodied the timeless virtues of honour, duty, selflessness, and patriotism – it is General Robert E. Lee!
Happy Birthday General!